An everyday journey, but today I am the passenger. A cold day of storm clouds rolling in from the west. Today I do not need to watch for traffic. I open the side window and snap photographs from the moving car. Nothing is composed. These are just the images that flash through the mind as we travel on. Out of the Forest, across the River Avon where water meadows are losing their floods but swans and geese still feed in the wet gulleys draining fields of grass.
The main roads to Bournemouth will be heaving with Saturday traffic. We choose the way across the top of the town. Past the airport and down along the valley of the River Stour.
Over the Stour . A flash of willow and silver water through girders of the old iron bridge.
A tall, mature pine beside the road.
Everywhere in this seaside town there are green corridors. Hedges and gardens, pine plantations and copses of riverside alder , white willow and birch. Roadside verges link into woodland. A slope of pine leads up to heathland and gorse between areas of streets and houses. This is a town patched with green between rows of Edwardian and 1930`s homes. 1950`s bungalows line roads in tidy ribbons. New estates encroach the green land acre by acre, but in amongst the modern there are farmhouses and elegant villas from the days before Bournemouth was a sprawling town.
Your outings are always delightful whether by car or on foot. Thank you for the scenery.
Your travelling pics are better than mine, some of which are a complete blur!
Quite a few blurry images did not make it to the blog BB!. Still, an interesting exercise.
Photography from the passenger seat can be fun, but sometimes frustrating if the driver is not in a mood to stop for some of the better shots (what car behind us??). My latest fave is from the subway when it goes above ground. But here in Brooklyn, I have to worried about the camera being snatched through the open car window or on the train. I've seen both happen!
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