On a weekend when rain came at last to the dry heath and woodland of the Forest, this year`s fete took place. Under lowering grey skies, villagers and visitors from the nearby towns came out in force. One thousand people bought entrance tickets in the first hour alone. Everyone wandered around the field, usually a grazing ground for deer, and looked for bargains and fun amongst the stalls and attractions. Neighbours met to chat and greetings were heard as familiar faces emerged from the crowd.
The music of an old fairground Carrilon drifted across the field. Nostalgic melodies of long ago rural fairs brought back the days of our great grand parents. The Carillon played away all afternoon.
A brief history of this interesting old machine, which was built in Antwerp in 1920......
...and a photograph of the same machine, with its proud , sepia-tinted owners in its heyday in the 1920`s.
There were representatives from a local Alpaca herd, waiting to meet visitors. A nearby stall sold scarves and soft garments made from their beautiful, fine wool.
The rain clouds came and went. As curtains of rain swept down into the valley, everyone dashed for shelter into tents and under awnings, until the showers passed and business resumed again in the warm, steaming summer air.
Two friendly goats advertised the dairy produce of a local goat farm, and they proved popular with everyone.
At the Punch and Judy Show, children watched fascinated as the age-old show of extreme domestic violence was played out once again by the battered puppets of Punch, Judy and the Policeman.
There were swing boats.....
..and ferrets. These sleek animals waited for their turn to race.
The Dog Show was popular again. Most Handsome Dog, Prettiest Bitch, The Dog Most Like its Owner, Best Rescue Dog and the Dog with the Waggiest Tail won prizes and rosettes.
This young rough collie was there to meet crowds of people and dogs. His owner was very pleased with his calm behaviour . A lovely dog and one I could have taken home.....
Behind the stalls and marquees was the Classic Car Show. A line of much loved and restored old cars waited with their admiring owners.
Last but not least, the magnificent old Steam Roller that drew young and old for a closer look. I remember steam rollers working on the roads of rural Hampshire. This one will soon be on its way to the Great Steam Fair at Tarrant Hinton in Dorset, where Steam enthusiasts gather every September to look, listen and smell these mechanical reminders of the not-so-distant past.
Gosh, those rain clouds looked threatening! I remember a steam roller JUST like that one, working on the bit of road across from my house when I was growing up. We didn't have a car until I was about 7 or 8 either - an old Triumph Mayflower, with REAL leather seats. I can still remember the smell of hot leather, as I sat with a book, waiting for mum and dad to wash up after Sunday lunch and then we could go "for a run" to the New Forest . . .
It looks like everyone had a great day out - LOTS of people there.
Oh, how I would have loved to be there! Thank you for sharing such a treat of a day out!
Now that is a true village fete ...how I wish I were there ...thanks for sharing.
Oh memories! Reminds me of Thomas Hardy novels. You do such a good job of recreating atmosphere and events. Loved my visit.
I love village fetes. Here in Leyburn we have the Wensleydale Show at the end of this month and before then the farmer is judge of hay and vegetables at a village show. People work so hard to make them a success don't they?
How delightful, dosen't it make you feel thoroughly and proudly British :D
I have sent my Uncle Bernard a link to come over and look at the Carillon, I think he would be very interested.
Hi DW,
Kath pointed me in this direction as she knows I am an organ player. I already knew of
'De Carillon' as I am a member of several organ societies/clubs and I also have it as one of my favourites on YouTube. I have posted up a video of it playing on one of my pair of organ blogs.
This is of course the season of rallies and fetes and I too have been posting about my visits. Enjoyed your write-up here and shall take a look around if I may.
Any friend of Kaths is a friend of mine. :)
We would have enjoyed your village fete. Surely that is a large attendance for a small area?
J. would particularly have been interested in the line-up of cars.
On another matter: I'm concerned about the Asian "comments"--we've been hearing a lot of bad stuff about that on US news this week. I understand that blogger is providing stronger spam filters; I noticed comments on my blog are appearing in a slightly different format.
Hello Uncle Bernard, and welcome! I shall pay a visit to your blog. The Carillon certainly gave the village fete a wonderful atmosphere.
MM- yes, thank you......I need to investigate.....
I`m sure that J would have loved the cars.
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