Monday 27 December 2010

Ice and a Boxing Day Birthday

On Boxing Day, ice and snow stayed crisp and harsh, after a night of freezing fog and some of the lowest temperatures of winter.

It was Old Dog`s thirteenth birthday. In the summer, he seemed to grow frailer. We wondered if he would see this birthday, but he has rallied and still enjoys his life, although the walks are shorter and his legs are not as strong as they used to be.

One day last week, a visitor came with her two young daughters, all wrapped up against the cold in coats, boots and woolly hats. Old Dog loves children. He remembers when our grown up boys were young and when he was in his prime. For half an hour, the two little girls played stick with Old Dog, out in the snowy garden. The years dropped away as he ran and played. All his birthdays had come at once that day!

On his Boxing Day birthday, Old Dog followed me around the garden in the snow.........

.......and waited by the icy Indian Bean Tree.

Tree ivy,

and red roses frozen in the bud.

In this image, I seem to see Jack Frost, a stick man climbing through the twigs.

By the edge of the pond.

Field ice and hoof prints......

where the thaw began..........

and fennel seed heads over frozen snow.


Karen said...

Happy belated birthday to Old Dog!

I love the pictures, especially the last one. I ventured out to take more today and managed to take a nasty spill in the parking lot. What I thought was just wet pavement turned out to be black ice and I now have the bruises to prove it.

Seven inches of snow here over the weekend and would you believe that it will be 60F here in Greensboro by Friday? From one extreme to the other. . .

ChrisJ said...

Old dog is so cuddly. Glad he's enjoying the snow and the young'uns. Your pictures of the frost are almost surreal. Our inland valleys will get frost at the end of the weak but we on the coast will get only damp cold, but some sunshine in the upper 60's. Will have to cover my plumeria though, just in case it decides it can bloom next year.

WOL said...

Yay for Old Dog. Happy returns of the day! I love the photos of the leaves and plant stalks with their rime of frost.

Earlier today, I was watching my 11-year-old white cat "kill" this bedraggled black and white pompom that used to be a penquin. It's just the right weight for kitty footie and he dispatched it with a series of leaps and pounces and Douglas Fairbanksian maneuvers with much lashing about of his feather boa tail. Then he paraded about the house with it in his mouth, singing the "Mighty Hunter" song, and laid it at my feet.

God bless all the little furry critter hearts where-ever they be. Life would be so lifeless without them.

Bovey Belle said...

I hope Old Dog didn't get to regret his energetic stick-fetching on his birthday! If he did, then he has my sympathies . . .

We are thawing fast here but I dread the next onslaught of cold weather, although it makes for beautiful photographs.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Stick man is creepy! Love the last image though. Good luck to old dog - looks as though there is life in him yet. Happy New Year to you all - including O D

Kate on Clinton said...

Wonderful - the tree ivy and jack frost stick man are amazing.
And Hooray and Happy Birthday for Old Dog! I've seen it over and over - the young make the old young again.

Morning's Minion said...

Two of our cats have passed their twelth birthdays--adn we watch them anxiously. Pebbles the horse is 21 and has had several bouts with founder. Animals become such a cherished part of our lives.
Old Dog looks well and happy to be out with you in your frosty landscape.