I must have walked past this old hawthorn tree thousands of times .So why, until this morning, have I never noticed that patch of yellow-green before? Maybe I had just slowed down enough to see..... I have a cold and Old Dog was a bit stiff in his legs today, so we ambled up amongst the bracken and found....
It was so warm in the morning here. The New Forest mares were sunbathing and drying their coats after a wet, misty night.
A bed amongst the bracken.
Under a tree, a solitary crocus. Maybe a garden escape?
Pussy willows in the lane are flowering now. The tree was buzzing with honey bees gathering nectar.
A bright beacon of spring, this hedgerow celandine opened to face the sun.
Mistletoe, pussy willows and celandines! Wonderful spring morning. The ponies look very happy and comfortable too.
I have never seen mistletoe growing in the wild but the NF ponies brought back memories of trips to the forest when the children were young.
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