A lovely sight. A few years ago, a female blackbird would come and bath several times a day in a flowerpot saucer in my back yard that had filled with rain water - delightful to watch, but nerve-wracking! I had to keep the cats locked in or there would have been a watery disaster.
Oh bless - he looks soaked to the skin! We had starlings bathing in a bowl of water we put out for them when it was snowy. I had to renew it a couple of times a day as it quickly froze, but the coldness of the water didn't seem to deter the birds.
Hello! Thankyou for popping over to my blog.It's always lovely to have a new follower.When I reach the magic 100 I will do my first giveaway. You live in a beautiful part of the country.we have stayed in a B and B in Fritham and love the little thatched pub there. I love to see the robins in my garden.They always come and say 'hello' when I am doing a bit of gardening.
Back, but exhausted
I will post properly tomorrow, I have been in a panic as I thought I lost
my debit card whilst away, how I don't know as Gabs had my purse in her bag
Linlithgow Loch
We had a lovely weekend visit to Linlithgow, just a short train ride away
from Edinburgh. Linlithgow is famous for the Palace, which was the
birthplace ...
A tale of spring
A cowslip peep will open faintly coy
Soon seen & gatherd by a wandering boy
A tale of spring around the distant haze
Seems muttering pleasures wi the lengt...
Offspring and snowdrops
Son and family came down at the weekend when Daughter 2 and Littlest
Granddaughter were here, and Daughter 1 and family came over too, which was
nice. He...
The weather was absolutely perfect today to take Blue's ashes and 'turn her
out' again in the valley of Howen Bottom where Juma was born, and where his
The break is over
After the Winter break from Lynmouth, I am back there this week. It makes
sense to have a rest from it over winter time. There are fewer visitors
for o...
This and That
I am sorry for lack of posts recently but I haven't really been anywhere to
make it worthwhile writing a post.
Recent Reading
I do enjoy Peter Robins...
Snow Day
The More It Snows
The more it snows (Tiddely pom),
The more it goes (Tiddely pom),
The more it goes (Tiddely pom),
On snowing.
And nobody knows (Tidd...
January sunrise at West Bay
Sunrises in West Bay in Dorset are at their best in the Winter months,
usually when the temperatures are low and despite wearing gloves fingers
can go n...
Over a lifetime, I have failed to give the moon the attention it deserves.
But it is patient and forgiving, despite my faithlessness. Thus, in the
first w...
Penny (daughter) took Tom's passing badly and to try to get some comfort
has resorted to mediums.
Personally I would't bother but if it helps her then I...
2024: A Year in Review - part 1
As we enter the new year it’s always a good time to reflect on the past
twelve months as well as to look forward to what 2025 may bring. For me,
2024 has b...
Dear Blog friends far and near,
After goodness knows how many years of doing this blog I have finally
decided to call it a day. As you know I am on 'E...
Just a quick post...
Last time I posted, I said the tiny human could arrive any day... the due
date was 1st August but I was sure I'd go a good few days past that... I
Whitaker Wright and the Peasants
I recently read *Ultimate Folly: The Rises and Falls of Whitaker Wright the
World's Most Shameless Swindler* (Macrory, Henry, Biteback Publishing,
London, ...
A Different Day
This morning we headed for the cliffs as the sky was clearer than it had
been and it looked as if the day was going to stay that way. Once again a
thick ...
Blog Reader
It's been a hard year, with mum dying suddenly in January, leaving my
forgetful father constantly asking where she is, but showing little or no
So late.
It's so late and I've been struggling with sleep so long that I wonder if
I'm becoming nocturnal! Why do words flow into my head just at the time
when I de...
[image: New honeysuckle growth and golden elderberry leaf]
Honeysuckle beside golden elderberry leaf. Here's a post where I place my
feet somewhere and w...
One of the loveliest mountains in the north west Highlands is on fire. A
wild fire started last week and a large area between Lochinver and Suilven
went ...
This is a picture of my dear friend VAN. I have chosen her for this post
not just for her name but also for her VICTORY. This photo was taken in
June ...
It's so long since I have posted !!
*"Deeper then ever plummet sounded"My celebration of Shakespeare's
finalspeech in 'The Tempest'*All my supportive and lovely readers may
wonder what has...
For me August has always been a month of waiting - waiting for the first
small signs of autumn. It is the crown of the agricultural year but still
it is ...
Moving to Facebook
As I mentioned a while ago, I am finding blog writing, especially
downloading, resizing and attaching photos, very time consuming and I am
sharing more o...
Frugal Queen is moving
Hello Dear Reader,
Blogger has completely tested my patience. You can only leave a comment on
Google+ and I really thank those of you have taken ...
My adventures in Incense
Witch Hazel (Hamamelis x intermedia 'Jelena')
Those of you who have followed me for a while will know that I am obsessed
with plants, and particularly th...
Rock & Roll Car Show 66
*"Pin-Up**" -* Villeneuve St Georges - Val de Marne - Septembre 2015
*"Pin-Up**" -* Villeneuve St Georges - Val de Marne - Septembre 2015
More Lampshades
Once again I've neglected this blog. I could blame the amount of work
that's being going on... life's happenings in general.... visitors...
Motorsport fun
One of our sons works
on the Bentley Motorsport team and last week he arranged for us to go to
Silverstone to see them race.
We were treated very well and i...
Art therapy
I think it was in 2012, perhaps before, that I accidentally stumbled across Tammy's
Daisy Yellow blog about art journals.
I'd alw...
Hello everybody. Last Friday, on my birthday, my mum took a turn for the
worse and has been in hospital ever since. I think a lot of it is related
to th...
Cat Walk
It took years, but finally I found a publisher with the heart to publish
Cat Walk. This is a love story to Pembrokeshire and to cats.
It can be bought from ...
New Blog Address
I've just finished updating my website. This re-design includes an
integrated blog so everything is together. I'll be blogging over there
from now on. I...
Barn Owls
I have visited a site of a pair of local Barn Owls a few times recently,
sometimes drawn a blank more often than not seen them in flight at a
distance. On ...
Living in the beautiful New Forest, I am married, a recently retired teacher and the mother of grown up boys who have flown the nest. I share my days with cats, dogs, ponies and the wildlife all around us. Starting this blog is a chance to explore woods, fields, lanes and heath with my camera. A chance to share the simple pleasures of my country life.
He does look a bit bedraggled, but I suppose he wouldn't have gone in the water if he hadn't wanted to. Must be washing away the winter blues.
I love to watch birds bathing ...Robins are so beautiful
A lovely sight. A few years ago, a female blackbird would come and bath several times a day in a flowerpot saucer in my back yard that had filled with rain water - delightful to watch, but nerve-wracking! I had to keep the cats locked in or there would have been a watery disaster.
Oh bless - he looks soaked to the skin! We had starlings bathing in a bowl of water we put out for them when it was snowy. I had to renew it a couple of times a day as it quickly froze, but the coldness of the water didn't seem to deter the birds.
You lucky thing! I have a robin that follows me as I work around the ponies. His song is a joy!
Thankyou for popping over to my blog.It's always lovely to have a new follower.When I reach the magic 100 I will do my first giveaway.
You live in a beautiful part of the country.we have stayed in a B and B in Fritham and love the little thatched pub there.
I love to see the robins in my garden.They always come and say 'hello' when I am doing a bit of gardening.
Bellaboo :0)
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