Last night we had cold, soft drizzle and by morning the wind had changed. The old golden mare looked miserable and it was time to get her rug on as temperatures are set to fall over the next few days. I drove down to the feed shop to collect her rug and here it is, washed, reproofed against the rain and CLEAN! I took her photo as I know that she and the rug will have rolled and be thick with brown mud by the morning. A much happier horse tonight, I left her munching a pile of fresh hay under the shelter of the high hedge.
Golden mare will be twenty next spring. Not a great age for a horse, but she has arthritis in her hind legs and has been retired for several years. With anti inflammatory powder in her daily feed, she seems to be comfortable and to enjoy just "being a horse", out in the fields with her companions.
Dear old horse--I hope you can keep her going. As I hope for our beloved and exasperating Pebbles.
She looks happy to have her rug. Fahly LOVED his. He liked being warm and absolutely LOATHED the rain.
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