Saturday 13 March 2010

A Dust of Pollen

The first pussy willow buds were dusted with pollen today. Sun shone out from a sky with no wind. No frost on the grass this morning. The air almost warm and full of birdsong. Chaffinches playing chase on the grass. Great Tits chirping "Teacher! Teacher!" up in the tall oaks and beeches. A robin snatching seed from the edge of a pile of hay. A woodpecker hammering his hardest up in the silver birch woods.

I found a new cobweb strung between wooden fence rails in the field. Around the garden, the first bees of spring were out foraging for pollen in open crocus flowers.

A bumble bee drinking nectar from a white crocus.

A honey bee and the moment of take- off.

One of the first camelias.


Angie said...

Spring is truely with you will be a couple of weeks before we see the same sights up here.

The New Forest was my late husbands favourite place in the world to be ...he dreamed of retiring there.

rachel said...

I'd say it's happened, at last, wouldn't you? Lovely photos, and so encouraging!